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A Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire 圣灵与火的洗礼

Flora Gong

我是用水给你们施洗,叫你们悔改;但那在我以后来的,能力比我更大,我就是给他提鞋子也不配,他要用圣灵与火给你们施洗。--马太福音 3:11

I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire. --Matthew 3:11

2018 年,我开始信主,成为一名慕道友。但是经历多年的无神论教育,令我对神迹、圣灵等较为抗拒,在我的观念里,神只是造物主,祂已完成创世的工作,不再需要看顾这个祂亲手所创的世界。当时的我更像是一个自然神论者。对于新约中提到的圣灵、捉鬼等事件,我也狭隘地以为,那是遥远的使徒时代的故事,当下不会再有了。










仪式结束, 当我回味时,才警觉,胸口之前是有空缺的,我意识到,这团火进来之后,我才成为完整的。


哇噢,原来圣灵充满的感觉如此强烈而真实,原来真有圣灵与火的洗礼,原来圣经上的一切从未过时,原来神的爱从亘古开始,一直都在, 也必将直到永远。


In 2018, I started to believe in the Lord and became a Christian. After experiencing years of atheistic education I was resistant to miracles, the Holy Spirit, etc. In my mind, God is only the Creator, who has finished the work of creation and no longer needs to look after this world that He created. In fact, my thinking was similar a Deism. Regarding the events mentioned in the New Testament, such as the Holy Spirit and the casting out of demons, I only believed that they were stories from the apostolic times. It would not be repeated in the present.

Looking back at the past, how foolish, ignorant, and stubborn I was. In late March 2019, I and a few friends studied theology with Pastor Wang at Jeju Island. Pastor Wang baptized me with water, and the Lord baptized me with the Holy Spirit and fire on April 3rd. That's the day I was reborn, I will always remember it. The baptismal ceremony began at 10:00 a.m. after the pastor shared we each gave a 5 minute testimony and then were baptized. The pastor was dressed in a solemn, stately white gown, with his wife and his assistant.

During the baptism, I wasn’t sure why my chest felt like it was burning with a hot fire. My cold body seemed to be filled with new and strong vitality at that moment. I felt that I would be able fly if I jumped. How amazing it was to be baptized.

I after I was baptized, I realized that there was an hole in me and that the hole needed be filled by the Holly Spirit. I knew that I had become complete after the Holy Spirit filled me. When I asked the pastor about this, he responded happily, "You are filled with the Holy Spirit!" Wow, the feeling of the filling of the Holy Spirit was so strong and real. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire is true. Everything in the Bible is not only for the time of the apostles. His love for us will not weaken overtime as His love is constant and strong.

My life was completely changed from that baptism. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a new chapter of my life was beginning.

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